Helical axis analysis to quantify humeral kinematics during shoulder rotation.

Corrado Cescom, Marco Barbero, Marco Conti, Francesco Bozzetti, Jeremy Lewis

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Information pertaining to the helical axis during humeral kinematics during shoulder rotation may be of benefit to better understand conditions such as shoulder instability. The aim of this study is to quantify the behavior of humeral rotations using helical axis (HA) parameters in three different conditions. A total of 19 people without shoulder symptoms participated in the experiment. Shoulder kinematics was measured with an optoelectric motion capture system. The subjects performed three different full range rotations of the shoulder. The shoulder movements were analyzed with the HA technique. Four parameters were extracted from the HA of the shoulder during three different full-range rotations: range of movement (RoM), mean angle (MA), axis dispersion (MDD), and distance of their center from the shoulder (D). No significant differences were observed in the RoM for each condition between left and right side. The MA of the axis was significantly lower on the right side compared to the left in each of the three conditions. The MDD was also lower for the right side compared to the left side in each of the three conditions.The four parameters proposed for the analysis of shoulder kinematics showed to be promising indicators of shoulder instability.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Biomechanics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2019


  • Helical axis
  • joint
  • kinematics
  • shoulder


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