
This paper will present data from a pilot study carried out in a faithbased
community-meal setting. Data was collected using a number of
qualitative methods including researcher and participant generated visual
images. Using cameras to capture the social context of eating and food
eaten, was limited due to poor uptake. Uptake appears not to be influenced
by technical phobias but by the subject matter. Food and its consumption
is surrounded by strong moral discourses and older people
living alone were embarrassed to expose their eating behaviour to visual
scrutiny. Using visual devices to explore eating behaviour in older people,
particularly those who live alone, should be used cautiously and
with sensitivity. Images when collected have the potential to add context
to the data provided in food diaries and interviews, however, it
appears that alternative methods of data collection alongside visual
images are needed
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)393
Number of pages1
Issue numberSupp 2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2011
Event64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America - Boston, United States
Duration: 18 Nov 201122 Nov 2011


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