Identification of a DO White Dwarf and a PG1159 Star in the ESO SN Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY)

K. Werner, T. Rauch, R. Napiwotzki, N. Christlieb, D. Reimers, C. Karl

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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We present high-resolution VLT spectra of a new DO white dwarf and a new PG1159 star, which we identified in the ESO SPY survey. The PG1159 star is a low-gravity, extremely hot (Te® = 160 000 K, log g = 6) star, having a C/He dominated atmosphere with considerable amounts of O and Ne (He=38%, C=54%, O=6%, Ne=2% by mass). It is located within the planetary nebula nuclei instability strip and pulsations have been discovered. The DO is a unique object. From He i/He ii line strengths we found Te®¼60 000 K, however, the He ii lines are extraordinarily strong and cannot be fitted by any model.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIn: Procs of the 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 334
PublisherAstronomical Society of the Pacific
ISBN (Print)1-58381-197-4, 978-1-58381-268-6
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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