Impact of Royal Society of Chemistry bursary-funded Primary Science Quality Mark on primary science teaching: final report

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This small-scale research project was carried out to evaluate the impact of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) bursary-funded Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) on the teaching of science, and especially chemistry, in the primary schools involved in the PSQM scheme for the first time. Of particular interest were any changes in the attitudes of primary teachers and pupils towards science and chemistry as a result of this focus.
The aims of the PSQM award programme include: raising the profile of science in primary schools; providing schools with a framework and professional support for developing science leadership, teaching and learning; and celebrating excellence in primary science. Local networks (PSQM hubs), led by PSQM-trained experts in primary science, provide support for science for schools. Schools with bursary-funding from the RSC were initially working at bronze (introductory) level and were in an area of identified need with respect to access to
primary science continuing professional development (CPD). Some schools submitted at silver level because they had exceeded the descriptors for each of the criteria for the award.
The RSC also provided access to a developing primary website which has lesson materials, exemplar videos and online CPD modules.
The main aim of this research was to explore the impact of the scheme on attitudes and aspirations of pupils and teachers with respect to science and to provide evidence to inform future RSC policy decisions regarding bursary-funding for the PSQM scheme in new schools
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire
Commissioning bodyThe Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2015


  • Primary Science
  • Science leaders
  • Primary Science Quality Mark


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