Impact of the Feeder Aerodynamics Characteristics on the Power of Control Actions in Steady and Transient Regimes

Vitaly Voloshin, Viacheslav Pshikhopov, Mikhail Medvedev, Rudolf Neydorf, Victor Krukhmalev, Vladimir Kostjukov, Anatoliy Gaiduk

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24 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper we consider one of the problems in the development of control system for the feeder for MAAT transportation system. This problem is connected with estimation of inboard energy requirements. Traditionally such estimation is made on the basis of static relations. They allow assessing the power required to move a solid body with a constant air speed. However a contribution from aerodynamic forces and moments can vary depending on a regime of motion (value of linear and angular accelerations, angle of attack, etc). Because of that fact, this work investigates the estimation of the total required inboard energy and contribution of aerodynamic forces and moments to it in specified feeder motion regimes. The method of assessment is based on the feeder model, which is built on the equations of the rigid body. This paper contains general structure of feeder mathematical model, which includes equations of statics, dynamics and control mechanisms. The example of the exact feeder shape gives the application of this models with the details in terms of aerodynamic characteristics, inertial mass parameters and locations of control mechanisms. Feeder model is complemented by the external environment model, including the wind flow model. Development of the latter models is investigated in the talk “Probabilistic Approaches to Estimation of Flight Environment for Feeder of Multibody Transport Airship System”, presented on this conference. Three main feeder motion regimes were chosen for the estimation of the required power. These three regimes are hovering in one point, motion along a straight line and motion along a specified circle. Steady motion is considered along with transient regimes, when the feeder is moving to the specified trajectories. The results allow assessing the required power for steady and transient regimes for each considered trajectory, different values of air speed, different locations of centre of gravity and different angles of attack. Additionally, study of Kalman controllability and Lyapunov stability was made for the special feeder motion regimes. The conclusions about the optimal feeder shape are given based on this work.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2012-01-2112
Number of pages12
JournalSAE Technical Papers
Publication statusPublished - 22 Oct 2012


  • MAAT
  • aerodynamics
  • Energy requirements
  • Airship
  • control


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