Improvement of cyclic fatigue life of metallic materials and welded joints by treatment by pulsed electric current

G.V. Stepanov, Anatolii Babutskyi, I.A. Mameev, A.V. Chyzhyk, V.V. Savitskii, G.I. Tkachuk, N.A. Paschin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The paper presents experimental data on improvement of cyclic fatigue life of stainless steel and aluminium alloy samples as a result of treatment based on direct passage of electric current through the material, as well as data of calculation-experimental studies of residual welding stress relaxation under the impact of induced electric current. Results of investigation of the influence of current treatment on residual stresses in the coating and in the material after grinding are given
    Original languageOther
    Pages (from-to)27-30
    JournalThe Paton Welding Journal
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

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