Incorporating new approach methodologies into regulatory nonclinical pharmaceutical safety assessment

Jan Turner, Pandora Pound, Carla Owen, Isobel Hutchinson, Marina Hop, David Y. S. Chau, Lady V. Barrios Silva, Michael Coleman, Audrey Dubourg, Lorna W. Harries, Victoria Hutter, J. Gerry Kenna, Volker M. Lauschke, Winifred Neuhaus, Clive Roper, Paul B. Watkins, Jonathan Welch, Laura Rego Alvarez, Kevin Taylor

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New approach methodologies (NAMs) based on human biology enable the assessment of adverse biological effects of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals. Currently, however, it is unclear how NAMs should be used during drug development to improve human safety evaluation. A series of 5 workshops with 13 international experts (regulators, preclinical scientists, and NAMs developers) was conducted to identify feasible NAMs and to discuss how to exploit them in specific safety assessment contexts. Participants generated four “maps” of how NAMs can be exploited in the safety assessment of the liver, respiratory, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems. Each map shows relevant endpoints measured and tools used (e.g., cells, assays, platforms), and highlights gaps where further development and validation of NAMs remains necessary. Each map addresses the fundamental scientific requirements for the safety assessment of that organ system, providing users with guidance on the selection of appropriate NAMs. In addition to generating the maps, participants offered suggestions for encouraging greater NAM adoption within drug development and their inclusion in regulatory guidelines. A specific recommendation was that pharmaceutical companies should be more transparent about how they use NAMs in-house. As well as giving guidance for the four organ systems, the maps provide a template that could be used for additional organ safety testing contexts. Moreover, their conversion to an interactive format would enable users to drill down to the detail necessary to answer specific scientific and regulatory questions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)519-532
Number of pages14
Issue number3
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 20 Jul 2023


  • animal free
  • drug development
  • human-relevant
  • regulatory guidance
  • toxicity validation


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