Innovation for a Circular Economy: Exploring the Product Service Systems Concept

Maurizio Catulli, Mariana Dodourova

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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This paper explores the potential implementation of Product Service Systems (PSS) - a sustainable business model based on integrated products and services, and driven by innovation. The concept implies a holistic approach to innovation whereby actors from different industries join efforts in innovation for sustainability by establishing collaborative networks. However, it has been well-documented that most innovation-related collaborations actually fail to achieve their goals regardless of the mode of collaboration. Through interviews with actors willing to adopt the model, this study identifies a number of challenges that prevent a rapid wider adoption of the model as well as opportunities that may motivate actors to deal with the challenges. Key findings relate to the critical role that innovation, legislation and tools for long-term performance measurement have to play in implementing integrative system for sustainability.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProcs XXIV ISPIM Conference – Innovating in Global Markets
Subtitle of host publicationChallenges for Sustainable Growth
EditorsK. R. E. Huizingh, S. Conn, M. Torkkeli, I. Bitran
Place of PublicationHelsinki
PublisherInternational Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2013
EventXXIV ISPIM Conf: Innovating in Global Markets - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 16 Jun 201319 Jun 2013


ConferenceXXIV ISPIM Conf: Innovating in Global Markets


  • PSS
  • innovation
  • Sustainability


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