Instinct and habit before reason: comparing the views of John Dewey, Friedrich Hayek and Thorstein Veblen

G. Hodgson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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This article compares the views of Veblen, Dewey and Hayek on the roles and relations between instinct, habit and reason. From a Darwinian perspective, it is shown that Veblen had a more consistent and developed position on this issue than others. While Dewey embraced instinct and especially habit in his early works, these concepts gradually disappeared from view. Despite their shared opposition to the rising behaviorist psychology, the works of both Dewey and Hayek bear the marks of its hegemony. Consequently, at least in the context addressed here, the works of Veblen deserve reconsideration.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Austrian Economics Vol.9
ISBN (Print)978-0-7623-1378-5
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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