Intro: The Birth of the Literary Vampire

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The introduction articulates the current state of studies of Polidori (there are, in fact, very few). It then situates the volume within studies of the Gothic and Romanticism, and outline its many clear contributions to the field. It articulates the need for such a collection, which traces the importance of Polidori through his still-current legacy. It rescues him from the neglect he has suffered, revealing him to be an authentic creative force in the origins of vampire literature rather than the parasitical mimic he has frequently been dismissed as.
There follows a brief history of the publication of Polidori’s text, including the oft-contested issues around this. Then a summary and brief analysis of The Vampyre. A further section of the introduction is an account of the French novels, plays and other immediate descendants of The Vampyre. This leads into a summary of the present-day legacy of Polidori’s tale, including texts that are discussed in more detail in the individual chapters and fictional representations of Polidori in film and fiction. Finally, there is a precis of the chapters, explaining what each chapter will do to further those contributions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Legacy of John Polidori
Subtitle of host publicationThe Romantic Vampire and its Progeny
EditorsSam George, Bill Hughes
Place of PublicationManchester
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2024


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