Investigation of alpha-induced reactions on I-127 for the astrophysical gamma process

G. G. Kiss, T. Szuecs, Zs. Toeroek, Z. Korkulu, Gy. Gyuerky, Z. Halasz, Zs. Fueloep, E. Somorjai, T. Rauscher

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Background: The. process in core-collapse supernova explosions is thought to explain the origin of proton-rich isotopes between Se and Hg, the so-called p nuclei. The majority of the reaction rates for gamma process reaction network studies has to be predicted in Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations. Recent investigations have shown problems in the prediction of alpha widths at astrophysical energies. This impacts the reliability of abundance predictions in the upper mass range of the p nuclei.
Purpose: Our purpose is to measure the I-127(alpha,gamma) I-131 and I-127(alpha, n) I-130 reaction cross sections close to the astrophysically relevant energy range to test the predictions, to derive an improved reaction rate, and to extend the database required to define an improved global optical alpha + nucleus potential.
Methods: The cross sections are derived using the activation technique and the yield of the emitted gamma, and characteristic x-ray photons are measured using a LEPS and an HPGe detector.
Results: Cross sections of the I-127(alpha,gamma) Cs-131 reaction are determined for the first time, at energies 9.50
Conclusions: The comparison to statistical Hauser-Feshbach model calculations shows that the alpha width can be described well in the measured energy range using a standard, energy-independent global optical potential. The newly derived stellar reaction rates at gamma process temperatures for I-127(alpha,gamma) I-131 and its reverse reactions, nevertheless, are faster by factors of 4-10 than those from previous calculations, owing to further improvements in the reaction model. The importance of the inclusion of complete level schemes in the Hauser-Feshbach calculations is illustrated by comparing the impacts of two level schemes, one of them extending to higher excitation energies but not containing all relevant levels.

Original languageEnglish
Article number035801
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review C (nuclear physics)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2012




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