"It's all Greek to me”: setting up a non-government organisation (NGO) to enhance Hellenic-British midwifery collaboration and create a support network for Greek midwifes working in UK

Zeni Koutsi, Theodora Loumousioti, Elisavet Petraki, Georgia Kontosorou, Eirini Platsa, Eirini Vounatsou, Zoi Vardavaki

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The need for non UK trained health care professionals has been identified long time ago by historians, even before the establishment of the NHS (Snow and Jones, 2011). At present, short staffing continues to intensify (Snow and Jones, 2011). Additionally the cuts in training places and students’ bursaries will lead to further shortages and more problems in staff retention. However, there is evidence that there is lower patient satisfaction in hospitals where more heath care professionals are non UK trained (Germack at al, 2015). In 2016, the NMC has made changes regarding the registration language requirements for EU trained health care professionals. Group midwives’ recruiting from Europe (especially Germany, Spain and Italy) is known for many Trusts. Greek midwives though usually come in a more individual basis primarily to pursue postgraduate studies or to experience the gold standard of British woman-centred care and gain experience as midwives rather than obstetric nurses. There are currently more than 75 NMC registered Greek or Cypriot trained midwives in UK (FOI, 2015). Some of them are working over 15 years in the NHS and holding senior positions (supervisors, managers, educators, researchers). Recently there is an influx of experienced and newly qualified midwives, as well as students, who are passionate to do part of their elective placement in UK and experience maternity care in a different setting. On the other hand, Midwifery in Greece is striving towards the development of a more midwifery-led, woman-centred care provision with introduction of innovative projects and initiatives. Last but not least, the Internet and Social Media boom has enhanced knowledge sharing and strengthened communication between the Greek midwives already living and working in UK and the ones in Greece. The “Hellenic British Midwifery Association” (HBMA), is a Non Government and Non Profit Organisation (CIO), which was created to address the above points and provide national network of Greek midwives. The main values of the organisation are based on its’ democratic approach, open access and fairness to the members of the organisation and the public. The primary aims are: • To provide a forum for NMC Registered Greek midwives to discuss and share their views and opinions on current UK and International professional issues • To influence the midwifery education and practice in UK and at Greek institutes, on behalf of its members • To aid service improvement within the UK NHS and Greek National Health System directly or indirectly, by using the expertise of the stakeholders within the organisation • To organise, arrange and address any issues regarding processes, meetings, professional workshops, e-learning, participation in conferences in UK and Greece; link with essential organisations like the RCM, EMA, ICM • Support Greek midwives to practice according to the NMC and NHS standards and promote best and safe practice that will have positive effect to women and all service users. This poster will present the background and process of HBMA formation, its structure, vision and potential.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2016
EventRoyal College Of Midwives Annual Conference - Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, United Kingdom
Duration: 19 Oct 201620 Oct 2016


ConferenceRoyal College Of Midwives Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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