Jet Feedback in Star-Forming Galaxies

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In this paper, I review our understanding of how jet feedback works in star-forming galaxies. There are some interesting differences to radiative feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Jets act on galaxy haloes as well as on dense gas, for example in regularly rotating discs, where they can suppress star formation (particularly in the centre, negative feedback), but also enhance it (positive feedback). Jet feedback may produce turbulent, multi-phase gas structures where shocks contribute to the ionisation and is observed in connection with galactic outflows. The exact driving mechanism of these outflows is still unclear, but may be a combination of effects linked to star formation, jet-induced turbulence and radiative AGN feedback. Supermassive black holes in any galaxy can produce jets. Preferential radio detections in more massive galaxies can be explained with different conditions in the circumgalactic medium and, correspondingly, different jet–environment interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Feb 2023


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