La Garden City, une référence pour le requalification de la ville diffuse

Translated title of the contribution: The Garden City, a reference for the requalification of the diffuse city

Susan Parham, Stéphane Sadoux, Gilles Novarina, Amélie Artis, David Ames

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Conceived at the end of the 19th century by Ebenezer Howard and implemented in Letchworth then Welwyn, the garden cities model is based on the desire to offer quality housing to the working classes. Since then, this model has been used throughout the world and adapted to local institutional contexts. The garden city concept was recently promoted by David Cameron's government to deal with Britain's housing crisis that had been worsening for several decades. This news renewed interest in the garden city as an economic, social and political alternative to the current model of the manufacture of the city. By mobilizing collective governance, non-speculative management of land and experimental urban forms, the new garden city is an object of study in its own right. The originality of our communication is to propose cross-disciplinary views between several disciplines of the social sciences (history, urbanism, economy) on the model of the garden city and to build this reflection between researchers and professionals. The hypothesis is that this model incorporates principles that invite renewal of territorial action. First, history shows us the durability and adaptability of the model. Moreover, the rules of operation, management of land resources and collective action anchor garden cities as Commons in the sense of Ostrom (1990). The model of management of the garden city by the community of inhabitants is thus a form of local welfare state (Hardy, 2010). Finally, the model of the garden city seems to us to offer relevant elements for the construction of a project of restructuring of the città diffusa in different European countries as it allows an urbanism answer to issues particularly related to the consumption of agricultural land, to mobility, the cost of housing and to living together.
Translated title of the contributionThe Garden City, a reference for the requalification of the diffuse city
Original languageFrench
Article number9
Pages (from-to)195-212
Number of pages17
JournalInégalités Urbaines; Du Project Utopique au Dévelopment Durable
Publication statusPublished - 2017
ET LA VILLE DES PAUVRES: Visions urbaines et sociales pour le développement durable
- Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 , Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 27 Sept 201727 Sept 2017


  • garden cities
  • urbanism
  • development model


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