Large monitors reduce tracking error in robot-assisted visual-motor tasks

Fabio Stroppa, Farshid Amirabdollahian, Antonio Frisoli

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Robot-assisted rehabilitation often makes use of virtual environments to present the therapy tasks. Virtual reality has the ability of providing valuable visual feedback and enjoyable interaction to the patients; therefore, the way they are displayed to users becomes crucial. Is the monitor size an important feature that influences how the task is perceived and thus affects patients' performance?This study on healthy participants investigates the influence of displays in perceiving haptic effects. The participants performed an experiment using an end-effector robot, where they followed a moving target around a trajectory while disturbed by a simulated perturbation and assisted by an adaptive algorithm. The experiment was presented on two different monitors to assess whether a different size affects their performance. Statistically significant results show that the performance achieved with the large monitor features lower error compared to the small monitor, implying that large monitors might be a better solution for rehabilitation with virtual tasks and assistive robots.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2022
Eventthe 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 28 Jul 202231 Jul 2022


Conferencethe 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction
Internet address


  • rehabilitation robotics
  • vision dominance
  • visual-motor tracking


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