Large-scale components of radio galaxies in gamma rays

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The populations of relativistic electrons and high-energy cosmic rays in the extended components of radio-loud active galaxies-kiloparsec-scale jets, hotspots and lobes-make them, in principle, interesting sources of gamma-ray photons up to the highest (TeV) energies. Here I discuss the few detections of extended gamma-ray emission with Fermi and show what constraints they put on the physical conditions in radio galaxies. Although detections of radio galaxies at TeV energy are rare, I show that the information we do have can already put interesting constraints on radio galaxy physics: the CTA should have the sensitivity and resolution to improve this situation considerably, and to resolve the expected arcmin-scale gamma-ray jet in the nearest radio galaxy, Centaurus A. Finally, I review the connection between the gamma-ray observations and the acceleration of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, and suggest that, while radio galaxies may well be the sources of the highest-energy cosmic rays observed, they may constitute a 'disappointing' population in the sense that only very nearby sources, such as Cen A, will ever be identified as discrete cosmic-ray sources.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAIP Conference Proceedings
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics (AIP)
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9780735411234
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012
EventHigh Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy - Heidelberg, Germany
Duration: 9 Jul 201213 Jul 2012


ConferenceHigh Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy


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