Measurement at n_TOF of the237Np(n,γ) and 240Pu(n,γ) cross sections for the transmutation of nuclear waste

The n_TOF Collaboration

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The final design, safety assessment and precise performance analysis of transmutation devices such as Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) or Fast Critical Reactors, need accurate and reliable nuclear data. The cross sections of 237Np and 240Pu have been measured in 2004 at n_TOF with good accuracy due to a combination of features unique in the world: high instantaneous neutron fluence and excellent energy resolution of the n_TOF facility [1], innovative Data Acquisition System based on flash ADCs and the use of a high performance BaF2 Total Absorption Calorimeter as a detection device.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2006
EventPHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Duration: 10 Sept 200614 Sept 2006

Publication series

NamePHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics


ConferencePHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics
CityVancouver, BC


  • Cross sections
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Neptunium
  • Neutron capture
  • Nuclear data
  • Plutonium
  • Total absorption calorimeter


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