Measurements of Gd 152 (p,γ) Tb 153 and Gd 152 (p,n) Tb 152 reaction cross sections for the astrophysical γ process

R. T. Güray, N. Özkan, C. Yalçln, T. Rauscher, Gy Gyürky, J. Farkas, Zs Fülöp, Z. Halász, E. Somorjai

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The total cross sections for the Gd152(p,γ)Tb153 and Gd152(p,n)152Tb reactions have been measured by the activation method at effective center-of-mass energies 3.47≤Ec.m.eff≤7.94 MeV and 4.96≤Ec.m.eff≤7.94 MeV, respectively. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 30.6% isotopically enriched Gd152 oxide on aluminum backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by a cyclotron accelerator. The cross sections were deduced from the observed γ-ray activity, which was detected off-line by an HPGe detector in a low background environment. The results are presented and compared with predictions of statistical model calculations. This comparison supports a modified optical proton+Gd152 potential suggested earlier.

Original languageEnglish
Article number055809
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review C (nuclear physics)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2015


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