Mobility as a Service: sharing rides in time of pandemics

Dr. Maurizio Catulli, Matthew Cook, Stephen Potter, Miguel Valdez

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This paper discusses how pandemics might shape future transport practices and affectconsumer trust in shared mobility offerings such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS). MaaS is apersonalized one-stop transport management platform, digitally unifying trip creation, purchase anddelivery across all transport modes. The discussion draws on research into a case study featuring anelectric car club.Results of the research show that consumers are more or less likely to use MaaS depending on theirage and lifestyle. Relationships between users, strict protection measures and a sense of belonging toa geographically situated or a brand community could engender trust in the MaaS provider and in otherusers within selected pools of users. MaaS providers could therefore encourage users to aggregatearound communities coalescing around sharing cities or brands. Important areas of future research arein the utility of health and safety measures and of social and symbolic cues in reassuring consumers ofMaaS’ safety and in the consumer identities that are more likely to aggregate around either types ofcommunities
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPLATE - The 4th Product Life Times and the Environment Conference Proceedings 2021
Place of PublicationLimerick, Ireland
Number of pages5
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 28 May 2021
EventThe 4th Product Lifetimes and the Environment Conference (PLATE) - The University of Limerick , Limerick, Ireland
Duration: 26 May 202128 May 2021
Conference number: 4th


ConferenceThe 4th Product Lifetimes and the Environment Conference (PLATE)
Abbreviated titlePLATE2021
Internet address


  • Consumer Culture
  • Consumer Practices
  • Mobility as a Service
  • Pandemics Preparedness
  • Sustainability


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