Modeclix – the additively manufactured adaptable material

Shaun Borstrock, Mark Bloomfield

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Modeclix is a 3D Printed textile that can be used to make an array of different types of flexible products,from clothing and accessories to toys and interior decor. It consists of a simple linking component thatis manufactured as sheets of flexible material. Its innovation is in its ability to be infinitely deconstructedand then reconstructed by hand after printing. This enables Modeclix to simply be re-configured, repurposed, repaired and recycled at any time. This extends both its use and the products lifecycle.Imagine products that are fully customisable and that they can continually be adjusted or completely remade to reflect changing tastes, wants and needs. The ingenuity of Modeclix, for example, is that it ispossible to turn a Modeclix dress into bags, hats and accessories and then back into a dress again!Modeclix is a modular material design solution that encourages customers to be part of a communitythat is concerned about the impact their behaviour is having on the planet. It empowers them to be partof a solution that addresses how materials and service can become more circular. Importantly, itprovides the customer with the means and the reassurance that their choices are positively contributingto reducing material waste thereby enabling them to be change makers with impact.Modeclix is made from white Nylon powder using the Selective Laser Sintering 3D Printing process andcan be dyed any colour. It can be customised and manufactured on demand through a local network of3D Printing bureaux.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2019
EventModern Materials Network: Challenges of the Modern Object - Science Museum, LONDON, United Kingdom
Duration: 17 Oct 201917 Oct 2019


ConferenceModern Materials Network
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • 3D Printing
  • Materials
  • circular economy
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • conservation


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