
Modern farming has bought many benefits to society but it is also considered to have had many detrimental effects on the environment including decreasing water quality, loss of biodiversity and greater demand for non-renewable resources. The negative impacts have been evident for some time and regulators have sought to introduce policies and initiatives aimed at monitoring and remediating these effects, and to boost farmer and grower awareness of how on-farm practices influence the quality of our environment. This paper provides a brief overview of how on-farm environmental protection has developed and brings the situation up to date by examining the new initiatives currently being put into place.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Applied Biology
Subtitle of host publicationproviding new opportunities for consumers and producers in the 21st century
PublisherAssociation of Applied Biologists
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2004

Publication series

NameAspects of Applied Biology


  • Environmental protection


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