Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Performance in Novel Biomorphic Pin-Fin Heat Sinks

Mohammad Harris, Hongwei Wu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Pin-fins are effective strategies to enhance heat sink performance; moreover, bio-inspired designs present endless geometrical potential. In this work, a comparative investigation of two biomorphic pin-fin-based heat sinks was carried out via ANSYS CFD simulations. The results showed that the heat transfer performance of the pentagonal and sharp-edged design reported approximately 14% higher Nusselt number compared to a circular and smoother-edged design. Furthermore, the pressure drops or variations within both heat sinks were minimal. The findings from this research provide a baseline for future bio-inspired heat sink designs and heat transfer improvement strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication8th International Conference on Experimental and Numerical Flow and Heat Transfer (ENFHT’ 23)
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Jan 2023


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