Nurse activity to prevent and support patients with a parastomal hernia

Carol Bland, Kathryn Young

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A parastomal hernia is a common complication among stoma patients (ostomates), and represents a considerable challenge in terms of management. This paper reviewed research findings to establish how nurses can help to prevent parastomal heniation and improve understanding about this condition. However, the limited evidence found was of low quality. Studies focused on adult ostomates who developed a parastomal hernia identified that an ostomate's waist circumference >100 cm can be a major contributing factor in developing a parastomal hernia. In addition, the incidence of parastomal hernias may be reduced by a non-invasive, nurse-led prevention programme and preoperative stoma siting and education. Parastomal hernias present significant physical, psychological and social morbidities for ostomates. As a result, many adopt coping strategies rather than seek professional help. Further research is needed to strengthen the evidence base for care of ostomates with a parastomal hernia and elucidate professional opinion
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16-24
Number of pages9
JournalGastrointestinal Nursing
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 17 Dec 2015


  • Hernia, Surgical Stoma, Patient Centred Care Literature Review, Quality of Life


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