Observational evidence that positive and negative AGN feedback depends on galaxy mass and jet power

E. Kalfountzou, J. A. Stevens, M. J. Jarvis, M. J. Hardcastle, D. Wilner, M. Elvis, M. J. Page, M. Trichas, D. J. B. Smith

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Several studies support the existence of a link between the AGN and star formation activity. Radio jets have been argued to be an ideal mechanism for direct interaction between the AGN and the host galaxy. A drawback of previous surveys of AGN is that they are fundamentally limited by the degeneracy between redshift and luminosity in flux-density limited samples. To overcome this limitation, we present far-infrared Herschel observations of 74 radio-loud quasars (RLQs), 72 radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) and 27 radio galaxies (RGs), selected at 0.9z
Original languageEnglish
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number1
Early online date1 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2017


  • astro-ph.GA


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