On the Formation of Lines in Quantum Phase Space

Ole Steuernagel, Popo Yang, Ray-Kuang Lee

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We theoretically study the formation of lines in phase space using Wigner’s distribution W. In trapped quantum systems such lines form generically, crisscrossing phase space and they can have astonishing extent, reaching across the entire state. In classical systems this does not happen. We show that the formation of such straight line patterns is due to the formation of ‘randomized comb-states’. We establish their stability to perturbations, and that they are tied to coherences in configuration space. We additionally identify generic higher-order ‘eye’ patterns in phase space which occur less often since they arise from more specific symmetric comb-states; we show that the perturbation of eye patterns through their randomization tends to deform them into lines. Lines in phase space should give rise to large probability peaks in measurements.
Original languageEnglish
Article number015306
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2023


  • nlin.PS
  • quant-ph
  • Paper
  • quantum phase space
  • lines in phase space
  • nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • Wigner distribution
  • Quantum mechanics and quantum information theory


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