On the Integration of Adaptive and Interactive Robotic Smart Spaces

Mauro Dragone, Joe Saunders, K. Dautenhahn

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Enabling robots to seamlessly operate as part of smart spaces is an important and extended challenge for robotics R&D and a key enabler for a range of advanced robotic applications, such as AmbientAssisted Living (AAL) and home automation. The integration of these technologies is currently being pursued from two largely distinct view-points: On the one hand, people-centred initiatives focus on improving the user’s acceptance by tackling human-robot interaction (HRI) issues, often adopting a social robotic approach, and by giving to the designer and - in a limited degree – to the final user(s), control on personalization and product customisation features. On the other hand, technologically-driven initiatives are building impersonal but intelligent systems that are able to pro-actively and autonomously adapt their operations to fit changing requirements and evolving users’ needs,but which largely ignore and do not leverage human-robot interaction and may thus lead to poor user experience and user acceptance. In order to inform the development of a new generation of smart robotic spaces, this paper analyses and compares different research strands with a view to proposing possible integrated solutions with both advanced HRI and online adaptation capabilities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-179
Number of pages14
JournalPALADYN: Journal of Behavioural Robotics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2015


  • Human Robot Interaction
  • Smart Homes
  • Ambient Assisted Living
  • Robotic Ecology


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