
New experimental bandwidth limits required to generate reliable measurements from coaxial cable interferometry (CCFPI) are devised and discussed. Two partial reflectors forming a CCFPI must be fully resolvable in the time domain to produce a reliable interferogram from which measurements can be made. An existing bandwidth criterion has been researched and refined to produce novel limits on experimentally applied bandwidth, accounting for the Rayleigh resolution criteria, coaxial cable phase speed, mathematical windowing and noise. CCFPIs of different lengths (5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm and 25cm) were constructed on RG58 cable and examined by a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) to explore the impact of bandwidth on the interferograms. On comparing the interferogram minima frequencies generated when the bandwidth from the original criterion was applied and when the newly devised bandwidth criteria were applied, the error in frequency of interferogram minima reduced from 82% to 0.13%. CCFPI has the potential to deliver robust, distributed condition monitoring sensors for a wide range of industrial applications such as energy generation and carbon storage. Establishing experimental best practices is key to the development of successful CCFPI sensor products.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Publication statusSubmitted - 4 Nov 2024


  • Fabry-Perot interferometry
  • coaxial cable
  • bandwidth
  • condition monitoring
  • distributed sensing


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