Optimising compression testing for strain uniformity to facilitate microstructural assessment during recrystallisation

Nusrat Tamanna, Claire Davis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Predicting the kinetics of recrystallisation in metals, and recrystallised grain size distributions, is one the key approaches to controlling and refining grain size during metal processing, which typically increases strength and toughness/ductility. Recrystallisation prediction models and equations are supported by lab-based simulations that can systematically assess recrystallisation over a range of temperatures and strains for different materials and starting grain sizes. This work uses modelling and experimental verification to assess the different commonly used compression test sample geometries to determine strain uniformity and potential sources of error in microstructural assessment and proposes a modified geometry that increases the area of constant known strain. Whilst flow stress measurements in all samples showed good agreement. It has been shown that the new plane strain geometry offers a more consistent, homogeneous strain through the sample such that the large number of grains needed for accurate grain size distribution measurement can be readily achieved. Over double the area of ±10% of the target strain was achieved in the modified plane strain sample compared to a conventional uniaxial specimen, this area was also shown to be more conducive to metallographic assessment and offers in excess of 1500 grains of 250 μm to be assess per cross-sectional slice.
Original languageEnglish
Journal Results in Materials
Early online date18 Aug 2021
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2021


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