Overt Quantifier Raising of Neg-whQ in Cantonese at the Syntax-Semantics Interface

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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This paper reports a NegQP (Lee 2011) structure for negative wh-quantifiers (Neg-whQ) in Cantonese, in the combination of a negator mou and a wh-phrase (any DP for other non-existential quantifiers) where the former precedes the later, and discusses the unique overt quantifier raising phenomenon with such kind of strong quantifiers (Diesing 1992) at the syntax-semantics interface. The overt quantifier raising is claimed to be triggered by the uninterpretable features [quant] (Chomsky 1995) and [neg] to account for the sole SOV order of constructions with strong quantifiers in Cantonese. The overt quantifier raising accounts for the dual interpretations of constructions with a neg-whQ, having the non-existential interpretation as well as the possible presupposed existential or sentential negation interpretation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInterfaces in Language 3
EditorsMarina Kolokonte, Vikki Janke
PublisherCambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP)
Number of pages54
ISBN (Print)(10) 1-4438-4255-9, (13) 978-1-4438-4255-6
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventThe 3rd Conference of the University of Kent’s CLLS Interface Series - Kent, United Kingdom
Duration: 4 May 20116 May 2011


ConferenceThe 3rd Conference of the University of Kent’s CLLS Interface Series
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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