Peer mentors’ experiences and perceptions of mentoring in undergraduate health and sports science programmes

Earle Abrahamson, Claire Puzzar, Melissa Ferro, Sarah Bailey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


eer mentoring schemes are increasingly visible within professional practice, and in recent years, universities have integrated mentoring across undergraduate programmes. In order to provide the appropriate support to peer mentors and contribute to the future development and success of peer-mentoring schemes, it is necessary to investigate not only the benefits afforded to mentees, but also peer mentors' perceptions of their experiences. This small-scale qualitative study was conducted with participants who were recruited from the peer-mentoring scheme across two professional undergraduate health programmes: Podiatry and Sports Therapy. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the early experiences and expectations of being a mentor, mentorship activities, reasons and personal narratives for becoming a mentor, and the effectiveness of the training they received. Findings suggest that constructive and destructive friction exist between how mentors perceive their mentorship role and the strategies and skills they develop and use during their mentorship experiences.The study concludes with recommendations for new mentors and implementation of mentorship schemes within the widening population context of higher education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21
Number of pages37
JournalJournal of Pedagogical Research (JPR)
Publication statusPublished - 8 Aug 2019


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