Perceptions regarding antimicrobial use and resistance among adult hospital patients in Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health (MOH) Hospitals.

Saleh Alghamdi, Ilhem Berrou, Zoe Aslanpour, Eshtyag Bajnaid, Abdulhakim Alzahrani, Nada Atef Shebl

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Background: Education, a key strategy within antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs), has been mainly directed towards healthcare professionals and prescribers more than hospitalised patients. Aim: To examine patients’ knowledge and perceptions of antibiotic use and resistance, while evaluating the institutional role of patient education on antibiotic use in two Saudi Arabian hospitals, one with an implemented ASP and one without an ASP. Method: A cross-sectional self-administered survey was developed and piloted. A total of 400 surveys were distributed, 200 within the hospital with an ASP and another 200 within the hospital without an ASP. Data were coded and analysed. Ethical approval was obtained before the start of the study.Findings:176 patients responded to the survey with 150 surveys completed and analysed. 78% of patients agreed that they should only take an antibiotic when prescribed by the doctor, however they still tended to keep left over antibiotics for future use. 84% of patients were unaware ‘antibiotic resistance’, with 48%believing that antibiotics help them get better quicker when they had a ‘cold’. Information on antibiotic use and resistance were provided to patients in the hospital with an ASP in contrast to the hospital with-out an ASP. Conclusion: Overall there are poor perceptions regarding antibiotic use and resistance among hospital patients in Saudi Arabia. Patients in the hospital with ASP demonstrated greater knowledge during their hospitalisation. ASPs should not only focus on educating healthcare professionals but should involve the patients and seize the opportunity to educate them while hospitalised.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1648-1654
Number of pages7
JournalSaudi Pharmaceutical Journal (SPJ)
Issue number12
Early online date29 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020


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