Perinatal Outcomes in Foetuses with Increased Nuchal Translucency and Normal Karyotype: A Retrospective Study from the United Arab Emirates

Howaida Khair, Serene Hilary, Shamsa Al Awar, Kornelia Zareba, Sara Maki, Gehan Sayed, Sharon Mutare, Ayman El-Hattab, Ali Hussein Al Abrahim

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This retrospective case-controlled study analysed the outcome of pregnancies with first-trimester enlarged nuchal translucency (NT) and a normal karyotype. A total of 479 pregnan-cies with first-trimester NT measurements were grouped as control (370 cases; normal NT) andstudy (109 cases; enlarged NT,≥95th percentile; with normal karyotype). Adverse outcomes in-cluded miscarriage, intrauterine foetal death, termination of pregnancy, neonatal death, and struc-tural/chromosomal/genetic abnormalities. The study was conducted between June 2016 and June2022 at the Foetal Maternal Unit of Kanad Hospital, UAE. Overall, the live birth rate in the studygroup was significantly lower (74.3%) compared to the control (94.1%, p< 0.001). All pregnancyoutcomes of this group significantly differed compared to the control. The observed miscarriagelevel was 9.2% (vs. 1.1%, p< 0.001), intrauterine foetal death was 2.8% (vs. 0%, p= 0.001), sponta-neous preterm birthwas 11% (vs. 4.9%, p= 0.020), and termination of pregnancy was 3.7% (vs. 0%,p< 0.001). The presence of foetal abnormalities was also significantly higher in the enlarged NT groupat 21% (vs. 3.3%, p< 0.001). Results indicate that enlarged NT is associated with adverse pregnancyoutcomes even when the karyotype is normal. Based on these results, a comprehensive review ofthe guidelines for counselling and managing pregnancies with enlarged NT and a normal karyotypeis recommended.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Clinical Medicine (JCM)
Publication statusPublished - 4 Oct 2023


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