Pharmacist provided medicines reconciliation within 24 hours of admission and on discharge: A randomised controlled pilot study

Brit Cadman, David Wright, Amanda Bale, Garry Barton, James Desborough, Eman A. Hammad, Richard Holland, Helen Howe, Ian Nunney, Lisa Irvine

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Background: The UK government currently recommends that all patients receive medicines reconciliation (MR) from a member of the pharmacy team within 24 hours of admission and subsequent discharge. The cost-effectiveness of this intervention is unknown. A pilot study to inform the design of a future randomised controlled trial to determine effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmacist delivered service was undertaken.Method: Patients were recruited seven days a week from five adult medical wards in one hospital over a 9 month period and randomised using an automated system to intervention (MR within 24 hours of admission and at discharge) or usual care which may include MR (control). Recruitment and retention rates were determined. Length of stay(LOS), quality of life (EQ-5D-3L), unintentional discrepancies(UDs) and emergency re-admission(ER) within 3 months were tested as outcome measures. The feasibility of identifying and measuring intervention associated resources was determined. Result: 200 patients were randomised to either intervention or control. Groups were comparable at baseline.95(99%) of patients in the intervention received MR within 24 hours, whilst 62(60.8%) of control patients received MRat some point during admission. The intervention resolved 250 of the 255 UDs identifed at admission. Only 2 UDs were identifed in the intervention group at discharge compared with 268 in the control. The median LOS was 94 hours in the intervention arm and 118 hours in the control, with ER rates of 17.9% and 26.7%,respectively. Assuming 5% loss to follow up 1120 patients (560 in each arm) are required to detect a 6% reduction in 3 month ER rates.Conclusions: The results suggest that changes in outcome measures resulting from MR within 24 hours were in the appropriate direction and readmission within 3 months is the most appropriate primary outcome measure. A future study to determine cost-effectiveness of the intervention is feasible and warranted.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere013647
Number of pages9
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2017


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