
The challengewe faced was how to enact online an inclusive,critical,and practicalapproach to teaching for university educators on a PostgraduateCertificate inLearning and Teaching. We were adapting three-hour face-to-face workshops for a multi-disciplinary cohortin a module addressing the nature of the higher educationstudent experience.Participantsthemselves were facing significant extra work and new demands at home. We wanted to avoid Zoom fatigueanddidactic online delivery and maintain the camaraderie and collegiality usually identifiedas key benefitsoftheface-to-face workshops.Those studying included international staff stranded abroad, many completely new to the university,who had nevermetcolleagues in person or even visitedcampus. Module assessment involved a challenging collaborative small-group project plus an individual element of extension work.This cohort of 40+ staff connected with a network of hundreds of students facing enormous disruption in their own study and personal lives. If we could get the design right we could support colleagues in supporting their students through learning in an unprecedented period of disruption.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2021


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