Preliminary explorations into Just-in-Time Teaching

M. Russell

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    Accepting that learning is dialogic necessitates the development of teaching and learning activities that support a learning-conversation. Further, Blended Learning requires learning technologies to support the conventional teaching settings by constructing activities that enhance, rather than simply replace, the conventional teaching settings. Just-in-Time Teaching is one such strategy that actively exploits the students’ conceptions from out-ofclass web-based activities to support the in-class activities. In doing so, it integrates the notion of a learning-conversation with Blended Learning. This paper presents a preliminary exploration into the use of Just-in-Time Teaching of which the initial results are positive. In-class learner engagement has been enhanced as has the opportunity to gain an early insight into the students’ conceptions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)29-37
    JournalJournal for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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