Preparing young people with complex needs and their families for transition to adult services

Andrew O'Connell, Julia Petty

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

1 Citation (Scopus)
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Improving survival rates for children and young people with complex health needs requires a robust system for transition to adult services. Effective planning is essential to ensure a smooth transition process that is in the best interests of the young person and their family. This article discusses the needs and requirements for planned and purposeful transition processes to support young people with complex healthcare needs and their families. It considers
the preparation of adult services, the team, the young person and their parents in line with an integrated approach and the nurse’s role. Recommendations for practice include the necessity for an integrated approach to ensure optimum outcomes and ascertaining the potential value of a nurse-led service in delivering the transition process. A carefully tailored planning strategy should
be developed to prepare and support young people with complex health needs through transition.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Specialist publicationNursing Children & Young People
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jan 2019


  • adolescents
  • child health
  • complex needs
  • transition


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