Profiling the Fraudster: Findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment

A Gekoski, Joanna R Adler, Tim McSweeney

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Fraud accounts for a growing proportion of UK crime, causing economic losses, societal and personal harms. While there is a growing body of literature on the scale and prevalence of fraud, little research has been undertaken about those who carry out the crime – the offenders – since seminal studies undertaken in the 1970s and 80s. This study reports on findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment commissioned by the Home Office, to explore this gap, seeking to provide an up-to-date socio-demographic profile of fraudsters. It was found that much of the international research considered supports the historical picture of the traditional fraudster as an older, White, employed, well-educated male of a middle-high socio-demographic status, who appear to be late onset offenders. However, there may be different types/groups of fraudsters emerging that might not fit the traditional profile.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)422-442
Number of pages21
JournalGlobal Crime
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 26 Oct 2022


  • Fraudster
  • characteristics
  • profile
  • white-collar criminal


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