Psychological and social factors influencing attitude towards open child adoption practice in Ibadan, Nigeria

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The focus of the world is gradually shifting to open child adoption policy as against the closed type of the past. This study investigated the influence of psychological and social factors on perception and attitude towards open child adoption policy among some adults in Ibadan metropolis. The participants were made up of three hundred (150 male and 150 female) volunteers from among the adult population (age range = 20-65) in Ibadan. The study adopted an expost facto design using a survey method to collect data. All participants responded to a structured questionnaire consisting of demographics, Altruism, religiousity and attitude towards open child adoption (ATOCA) measures. Data collected was subjected to regression analysis, independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Result showed that all the Psychological and the social variables significantly predicted peoples attitude toward open child adoption, contributing only 4% (<.01) to the explanation of the variance observed in their attitude towards open child adoption. Further analysis showed that occupation, altruism and social class individually predicted people’s attitude towards open child adoption significantly. Further result showed that level of altruism, and occupation were more significant factors that could strongly influence attitude towards open child adoption.
It is thus concluded that individuals who are more altruistic, as well as Traders and executive officers would significantly be more positively disposed to open child adoption policy than others in Ibadan. This has implication for the introduction of this policy in Nigeria. Factors that could increase people’s altruistic tendency should be identified and incorporated to attitude change package on child adoption whether open or close. Financial empowerment could also be part of the factors that would make people embrace open child adoption more in Ibadan. On general note, the results suggest that people are lukewarm about adoption issues in Ibadan.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
JournalNigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2006


  • Open Child adoption
  • Spiritual involvement
  • Religiousity
  • Altruism
  • Social class
  • Yoruba
  • NIgeria


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