Quasi-orthogonal space-frequency coding in non-coherent cooperative broadband networks

Gbenga Owojaiye, Fabien Delestre, Yichuang Sun

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So far, complex valued orthogonal codes have been used differentially in cooperative broadband networks. These codes however achieve less than unitary code rate when utilized in cooperative networks with more than two relays. Therefore, the main challenge is how to construct unitary rate codes for non-coherent cooperative broadband networks with more than two relays while exploiting the achievable spatial and frequency diversity. In this paper, we extend full rate quasi-orthogonal codes to differential cooperative broadband networks where channel information is unavailable. From this, we propose a generalized differential distributed quasi-orthogonal space-frequency coding (DQSFC) protocol for cooperative broadband networks. Our proposed scheme is able to achieve full rate, and full spatial and frequency diversity in cooperative networks with any number of relays. Through pairwise error probability analysis we show that the diversity gain of our scheme can be improved by appropriate code construction and sub-carrier allocation. Based on this, we derive sufficient conditions for the proposed code structure at the source node and relay nodes to achieve full spatial and frequency diversity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6775016
Pages (from-to)1218-1229
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number4
Early online date18 Mar 2014
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2014


  • Differential distributed quasi-orthogonal space-frequency codes
  • orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
  • pairwise error probability
  • quasi-orthogonal codes


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