Radio galaxies and feedback from AGN jets

M. J. Hardcastle, J. H. Croston

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We review current understanding of the population of radio galaxies and radio-loud quasars from an observational perspective, focusing on their large-scale structures and dynamics. We discuss the physical conditions in radio galaxies, their fuelling and accretion modes, host galaxies and large-scale environments, and the role(s) they play as engines of feedback in the process of galaxy evolution. Finally we briefly summarise other astrophysical uses of radio galaxy populations, including the study of cosmic magnetism and cosmological applications, and discuss future prospects for advancing our understanding of the physics and feedback behaviour of radio galaxies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number101539
JournalNew Astronomy Reviews
Early online date31 Jul 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 31 Jul 2020


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