Realtime Asbestos detector: A single laser beam combined with internal 45° magnets to characterise the re-orientation of magnetically susceptible fibres. Single beam system

Paul H. Kaye (Designer), Chris Stopford (Designer), Warren Stanley (Designer), Edwin Hirst (Artist), Richard Greenaway (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


The first prototype of a system for determining the effect of an applied magnetic field to the orientation of an individual asbestos fibre. It comprises a laser beam focussed at it's intersection with a sheathed airflow. A series of optics focus the light to both a pair of linear CMOS arrays (for the capture of spatial light scattering patterns), and a photodiode (for triggering) via a beam-splitter.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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