Reanimating Anarchist Geographies: A New Burst of Colour

Simon Springer, Anthony Ince, Jenny Pickerill, Gavin Brown, Adam J. Barker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Citations (Scopus)


The late nineteenth century saw a burgeoning of geographical writings from influential anarchist thinkers like Peter Kropotkin and Élisée Reclus. Yet despite the vigorous intellectual debate sparked by the works of these two individuals, following their deaths anarchist ideas within geography faded. It was not until the 1970s that anarchism was once again given serious consideration by academic geographers who, in laying the groundwork for what is today known as "radical geography", attempted to reintroduce anarchism as a legitimate political philosophy. Unfortunately, quiet followed once more, and although numerous contemporary radical geographers employ a sense of theory and practice that shares many affinities with anarchism, direct engagement with anarchist ideas among academic geographers have been limited. As contemporary global challenges push anarchist theory and practice back into widespread currency, geographers need to rise to this occasion and begin (re)mapping the possibilities of what anarchist perspectives might yet contribute to the discipline.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1591-1604
Number of pages14
Issue number5
Early online date31 Jul 2012
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2012


  • Anarchism
  • Anarchist geographies
  • Direct action
  • Everyday life
  • Mutual aid
  • Radical geography


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