Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: insights into factors affecting the carbonation rate of concrete with SCMs revealed from data mining and machine learning approaches

A. Vollpracht, G. J. G. Gluth, B. Rogiers, I. D. Uwanuakwa, Q. T. Phung, Y. Villagran Zaccardi, C. Thiel, H. Vanoutrive, J. M. Etcheverry, E. Gruyaert, S. Kamali-Bernard, A. Kanellopoulos, Z. Zhao, I. M. Martins, S. Rathnarajan, N. De Belie

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The RILEM TC 281–CCC ‘‘Carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials’’ conducted a study on the effects of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) on the carbonation rate of blended cement concretes and mortars. In this context, a comprehensive database has been established, consisting of 1044 concrete and mortar mixes with their associated carbonation depth data over time. The dataset comprises mix designs with a large variety of binders with up to 94% SCMs, collected from the literature as well as unpublished testing reports. The data includes chemical composition and physical properties of the raw materials, mix-designs, compressive strengths, curing and carbonation testing conditions. Natural carbonation was recorded for several years in many cases with both indoor and outdoor results. The database has been analysed to investigate the effects of binder composition and mix design, curing and preconditioning, and relative humidity on the carbonation rate. Furthermore, the accuracy of accelerated carbonation testing as well as possible correlations between compressive strength and carbonation resistance were evaluated. One approach to summerise the physical and chemical resistance in one parameter is the ratio of water content to content of carbonatable CaO (w/CaOreactive ratio). The analysis revealed that the w/CaOreactive ratio is a decisive factor for carbonation resistance, while curing and exposure conditions also influence carbonation. Under natural exposure conditions, the carbonation data exhibit significant variations. Nevertheless, probabilistic inference suggests that both accelerated and natural carbonation processes follow a square-root-of-time behavior, though accelerated and natural carbonation cannot be converted into each other without corrections. Additionally, a machine learning technique was employed to assess the influence of parameters governing the carbonation progress in concretes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number206
Number of pages33
JournalMaterials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions
Issue number9
Early online date23 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 23 Oct 2024


  • Accelerated carbonation
  • Natural carbonation
  • SCMs
  • Database


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