Scaling up wiki-based blended learning environment

Marija Cubric, M. Banks, J. Fletcher, J. Hobson, S. Luz, K. Robins

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Since their introduction in the mid nineties, the use of wikis in education has been extensively studied (Bruns & Humphreys, 2007; Forte & Bruckman, 2007; Mindel & Verma 2006; Richardson 2006), debated and documented (see examples of educational wikis and related discussions at Atlassian, c2, Wikispaces, and Wetpaint websites). More and more higher education institutions are experimenting with wikis, aiming at increasing students’ engagement and communications and leveraging on “collective intelligence” in curriculum design and delivery. The research presented in this paper extends the work already piloted on using wikis as a framework for blended learning (Cubric, 2007). The focus in the original work was how to “plan, shape & enforce” wiki learning activities (Lund and Smørdal, 2006).The main outcome was a definition and evaluation of a blended learning process supported by wikis.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExcellence in Education 2008
Subtitle of host publicationFuture Minds and Creativity
EditorsT. Subhi-Yamin
ISBN (Print)978-9957-476-03-8
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventAnnual Conf of the Int Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) - Paris, France
Duration: 1 Jul 20084 Jul 2008


ConferenceAnnual Conf of the Int Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE)


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