SED fitting of nearby galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey

L. Ciesla, A. Boselli, V. Buat, L. Cortese, R. Auld, M. Baes, G.~J. Bendo, S. Bianchi, J. Bock, D.~J. Bomans, M. Bradford, N. Castro-Rodriguez, P. Chanial, S. Charlot, M. Clemens, D. Clements, E. Corbell, A. Cooray, D. Cormie, A. DariushJ. Davies, I. de Looze, S. di Serego Alighieri, E. Dwek, S. Eales, D. Elbaz, D. Fadda, J. Fritz, M. Galametz, F. Galliano, D.~A. Garcia-Appadoo, G. Gavazzi, W. Gear, C. Giovanardi, J. Glenn, H. Gomez, M. Griffin, M. Grossi, S. Hony, T.~M. Hughes, L. Hunt, K. Isaak, A. Jones, L. Levenson, N. Lu, S.~C. Madden, B. O'Halloran, K. Okumura, S. Oliver, M. Page, P. Panuzzo, A. Papageorgiou, T. Parkin, I. Perez-Fournon, D. Pierini, M. Pohlen, N. Rangwala, E. Rigby, H. Roussel, A. Rykala, S. Sabatini, N. Sacchi, M. Sauvage, B. Schulz, M. Schirm, M.~W.~L. Smith, L. Spinoglio, J. Stevens, S. Sundar, M. Symeonidis, M. Trichas, M. Vaccari, J. Verstappen, L. Vigroux, C. Vlahakis, C. Wilson, H. Wozniak, G. Wright, E.~M. Xilouris, W. Zeilinger, S. Zibetti

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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We compute UV to radio continuum spectral energy distributions of 51 nearby galaxies recently observed with SPIRE onboard Herschel and present infrared colours (in the 25-500 μm spectral range). SPIRE data of normal galaxies are well reproduced with a modified black body (β=2) of temperature T≅q 20 K. In ellipticals hosting a radio galaxy, the far-infrared (FIR) emission is dominated by the synchrotron nuclear emission. The colour temperature of the cold dust is higher in quiescent E-S0a than in star-forming systems probably because of the different nature of their dust heating sources (evolved stellar populations, X-ray, fast electrons) and dust grain properties.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSF2A-2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics
EditorsS Boissier, M Heydari-Malayeri, R Samadi, D Valls-Gabaud
PublisherSociete Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010
EventAnnual Meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics - Marseille, France
Duration: 21 Jun 201024 Jun 2010


ConferenceAnnual Meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics


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