Seeding black holes in cosmological simulations

P. Taylor, C. Kobayashi

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We present a new model for the formation of black holes in cosmological simulations, motivated by the first star formation. Black holes form from high density peaks of primordial gas, and grow via both gas accretion and mergers. Massive black holes heat the surrounding material, suppressing star formation at the centres of galaxies, and driving galactic winds. We perform an investigation into the physical effects of the model parameters, and obtain a 'best' set of these parameters by comparing the outcome of simulations to observations. With this best set, we successfully reproduce the cosmic star formation rate history, black hole mass-velocity dispersion relation, and the size-velocity dispersion relation of galaxies. The black hole seed mass is ~103M{⊙}, which is orders of magnitude smaller than that which has been used in previous cosmological simulations with active galactic nuclei, but suggests that the origin of the seed black holes is the death of Population III stars.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2751-2767
Number of pages17
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number3
Early online date27 Jun 2014
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2014


  • Black hole physics
  • Evolution
  • Formation
  • Galaxies
  • Methods
  • Numerical


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