SEeking AnsweRs for Care Homes during the COVID-19 pandemic (COVID SEARCH)

Karen Spilsbury , Reena Devi, Alys Griffiths, Anita Astle , Claire Goodman, Adam L Gordon, Barbara Hanratty , Peter Hodkinson , Fiona Marshall , Julienne Meyer, Carl Thompson

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The care and support of older people residing in long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic has created new and unanticipated uncertainties for staff. In this short report, we present our analyses of the uncertainties of care home managers and staff expressed in a self-formed closed WhatsApp™ discussion group during the first stages of the pandemic in the UK. We categorised their wide-ranging questions to understand what information would address these uncertainties and provide support. We have been able to demonstrate that almost one-third of these uncertainties could have been tackled immediately through timely, responsive and unambiguous fact-based guidance. The other uncertainties require appraisal, synthesis and summary of existing evidence, commissioning or provision of a sector- informed research agenda for the medium- to longer-term. The questions represent wider internationally relevant care home pandemic related uncertainties.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberafaa201
JournalAge and Ageing
Early online date15 Sept 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Sept 2020


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