Service Oriented Toolkit for Research Data Management Final Report

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The Service Oriented Toolkit for Research Data Management project was co-funded by the JISC Managing Research Data Programme 2011-2013 and The University of Hertfordshire. The project focused on the realisation of practical benefits for operationalising an institutional approach to good practice in RDM. The objectives of the project were to audit current best practice, develop technology demonstrators with the assistance of leading UH research groups, and then reflect these developments back into the wider internal and external research community via a toolkit of services and guidance. The overall aim was to contribute to the efficacy and quality of research data plans, and establish and cement good data management practice in line with local and national policy.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire
Commissioning bodyJoint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014


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