Should problematic pornography use be considered an addiction?

Ornella Corazza, George Blanchard

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Problematic use of online pornography can be viewed as a behavioural addiction. A non-systematic literature review was conducted to evaluate the evidence-base for the classification, identification and management of internet pornography addiction. There is evidence that internet pornography addiction is phenomenologically and neurophysiologically similar to drug addiction. Application of the available evidence to clinical practice is limited by a lack of consensus regarding diagnostic criteria and a lack of validated diagnostic tools. Candidate therapies include group-based and online programmes as well as pharmacological treatments. Weak evidence exists to support the use of non-pharmacological approaches, but there is no evidence for the use of pharmacological treatment despite its diffusion in society.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-78
Number of pages4
JournalResearch and Advances in Psychiatry (RAP)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2018


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