Should women carry their antenatal records?

J. Draper, S. Field, Hilary Thomas, M. J. Hare

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


A study of women's views on carrying their medical records during their pregnancy was conducted in Cambridge in 1982. Eighty eight women who were given their full records were compared with a control group of 83 women who carried the traditional cooperation card, both groups answering postal questionnaires about the advantages and disadvantages of carrying their respective records. Most women found advantages in carrying the complete record, although it was too large to carry for practical purposes. Both groups experienced difficulty in understanding what was written on their cards.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)603
Number of pages1
JournalBritish Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.)
Issue number6520
Publication statusPublished - 1986


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